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How to choose ELISA kit

  Since the ELISA kit came out in the 1960s and 1970s, it has been recognized and praised by scientific researchers all over the world, and has been greatly promoted in Europe, America and China, especially the rapid development of the domestic biochemical field. Then how to choose when buying?

  1 Choose ELISA according to the experimental species and the nature of the sample to be tested

  If the experimental samples of the experiment are human, mouse or rat samples, it is relatively easy to choose a suitable kit, but if your experimental samples are from other species such as chickens, cows and monkeys, the types of kits available on the market However, it is very rare. And it is not credulous to provide nearly 10,000 kinds of kits, covering suppliers of multiple species. But if you have to test the indicators of these species, it is best to perform the same test (if there are species differences) Source analysis and species cross-reactivity data of the kit. For sample types, general commercial kits have been verified by serum plasma and cell culture supernatant. When choosing a kit, it is best to read the instructions in detail , Such as whether the use of plasma sample anticoagulant is compatible with the kit. In addition, in some cases there will be interfering factors in the sample, such as hemolyzed plasma with high fat content, human anti-mouse antibody (HAMA), fetus in the cell culture supernatant Bovine serum, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to select the kit according to the sample, and if necessary, optimize it according to the sample. Or before the sample collection, it is best to read the instructions of some reliable supplier kits or consult directly. If your sample is For tissue or cell lysates, more careful selection of kits is required.

  2 Supplier qualification assessment

  Looking at ELISA kit suppliers at home and abroad, it is estimated that there are at least 100. Some suppliers can provide hundreds of commonly used indicators ELISA, but some suppliers claim to provide kits with thousands or even tens of thousands of indicators, but the quality It is uneven, and it is even more damaging to the scientific research generation. What if you choose a supplier? Learn about the supplier’s reputation, pre-sales and after-sales processing from peers or laboratory colleagues; literature citation is king, especially SCI journal articles on the supply Citation of commercial products; understand the supplier’s research and development history and brand history. Many suppliers frequently change their company names or their company registration places. Among them, Mingtang Experimental Master should be able to realize it. Don’t be superstitious about foreign “brands”, foreign “brands” do not mean It is an internationally well-known brand. Many companies under the banner of foreign countries are in fact empty-shell leather bag companies, with inferior products from global OEMs. Foreign suppliers may not be able to provide after-sales.

  3 Choose kits based on sample availability

  Generally speaking, the sample amount of commercial kits is 50ul or 100ul, but there are also some suppliers' kits that require as little as 10ul of samples. If your samples are precious or difficult to obtain, you need to consider carefully The requirements of the kit on the amount of sample. If the amount of sample is small and multi-factor detection is to be done, more caution is needed.

  4 Recognize the order channel

  Regardless of whether it is an international or domestic brand ELISA kit, you need to communicate with the manufacturer in detail before ordering the product details (such as whether the enzyme label plate is removable), and understand the pre-sales and after-sales technical service capabilities. Then consult their official order channels, such as Order directly from the manufacturer or through authorized distributors in China or at the provincial level.

  5 Choose the kit according to the level of the test substance in the sample

  If the experimenter does not have any reference data for the level of the analyte in the sample, it is best to choose a kit with a wide kinetic detection range. If the content of the analyte in the sample is very low, it is recommended to choose a high-sensitivity kit. To reduce the matrix effect, it is necessary to use the diluent to dilute at least 2 times. If the content of the analyte in the sample far exceeds the detection range (standard curve range) of the kit, an appropriate multiple dilution is also required. In the final calculation of the result, it is necessary Multiply by the corresponding dilution factor.

  6 Key technical parameters of ELISA kit

  includes intra-plate variability, inter-plate variability, inter-batch variability, reproducibility, specificity, cross-reactivity, recovery, etc. If the experimenter often conducts ELISA experiments, it is recommended to use the same manufacturer's kit, so as to ensure the repeatability of the data as much as possible (of course, the premise is the consistency of the experimental conditions).

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